Annual summary report


Logged in as: Mike Dewhirst, ABC Australia Pty Ltd

Always refresh your browser to see any changes: 2024-06-06 05:16:06 UTC

Results you see here are based on the latest data you entered. If used as reference for data entered on the AICIS website you should print and retain it for your records.


Categorisation summary


     3 - Chemicals that are categorised as very low risk
     1 - Introduction of a polymer of low concern
Commercial evaluation0


Industrial chemical


Applicable section

Ethylene glycol Listed on the AICIS inventory with standard reporting obligations and restrictions Section 25 - Listed introductions (C2023C00321)
Acetic acid, cadmium salt Listed on the AICIS inventory with standard reporting obligations and restrictions Section 25 - Listed introductions (C2023C00321)
Organoplatinum Listed on the AICIS inventory with standard reporting obligations and restrictions Section 25 - Listed introductions (C2023C00321)
Methyl glycol Listed on the AICIS inventory with standard reporting obligations and restrictions Section 25 - Listed introductions (C2023C00321)
Benzyl Acetate Listed on the AICIS inventory with standard reporting obligations and restrictions Section 25 - Listed introductions (C2023C00321)
Boric acid, zinc salt Listed on the AICIS inventory with standard reporting obligations and restrictions Section 25 - Listed introductions (C2023C00321)
Chromic acid, barium salt Listed on the AICIS inventory with standard reporting obligations and restrictions Section 25 - Listed introductions (C2023C00321)
Cadmium nitrate Listed on the AICIS inventory with standard reporting obligations and restrictions Section 25 - Listed introductions (C2023C00321)
2,3-dihydroxy-[2-(2-hydroxy)ethyl]-[3-(2-hydroxy)propyl]-[(9Z,12Z)-octadeca-9,12-dienyl]azanium; chloride Exempted - very low risk Section 26 - Exempted introductions (C2023C00321)
Cosmetic GC Exempted - very low risk Section 26 - Exempted introductions (C2023C00321)
Hydrocarbon XW Exempted - very low risk Section 26 - Exempted introductions (C2023C00321)
Polymer in resin solution 51/70 BuAc Exempted - very low risk Section 26 - Exempted introductions (C2023C00321)
Silica gel, reaction products with bis(triphenylsilyl) ester and ethoxydiethylaluminum Reported - low risk Section 27 - Reported introductions (C2023C00321)
Pentane, 1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5,5-decafluoro-3-methoxy-4-(trifluoroethyl)- Assessed - medium to high risk Section 28 - Assessed introductions (C2023C00321)
Lead oxide (Pb3O4) Listed on the AICIS inventory with conditions of introduction or use and specific information requirements Section 25 - Listed introductions (C2023C00321)
Benzene, 1,1'-oxybis[2,3,4,5,6-pentabromo- Listed on the AICIS inventory with conditions of introduction or use and specific information requirements Section 25 - Listed introductions (C2023C00321)

