Privacy policy

  • Primary Chemintro policy and system design imperative is to prevent unauthorised leakage of information
  • We will never collaborate or share your data with third parties
  • An encrypted session cookie unique to your machine is used to manage your site interaction. It automatically disables access if compromised
  • We do not leave tracking cookies nor do we participate in that ecosystem


  • Company information is only visible to logged-in company members
  • Login credentials and access roles are only issued by your company's own Admin user
  • Company membership is only visible to your company's Admin user
  • Write-access to company information requires the Manager or Admin role
  • Read and write access to chemical data requires the Author role
  • Every user has read/write access to their own user profile
  • Every user has read-only access to their own company profile Top     


You provide certain information if you obtain a login. This includes your name and your email address. You may adjust that information as desired.

We use your email address to communicate with you directly, for example to send you a password reset token or to notify you of changes impacting your use of the site.

Your profile information is visible only to you and your company's Admin user.

Chemintro does not share your data with anyone. Top     


For security reasons at least one Admin user per company should provide a contact number.Top