
You are licenced to use this website to maintain data and recalculate industrial chemical introduction categories as required for a one-time payment per industrial chemical at the rate published by Chemintro from time to time.

The one-time payment per introduction only applies to the following three categories:

  • Exempted
  • Reported (including Reported <= 10kg)
  • Assessed

Introductions may be paid for singly by credit card when categorising or in advance by invoiced purchase of a 'token' for one or more introductions.

You may optionally subscribe to our AICIS inventory status monitoring service at the rate published by Chemintro from time to time and which will alert your regulatory affairs team via email when any of your subscribed chemicals is involved in AICIS initiated inventory changes.

Other features of this site are no-charge including:

  • All other categories than the above three
  • Updating chemical and product data over time to re-compute categories
  • Information management to support immediate and annual AICIS obligations
  • AICIS inventory status report by CAS number
  • Bulk data import by CAS number and optionally by product/formulation
  • Automatic flagging of the AICIS Listing note if the chemical is involved in AICIS initiated inventory changes
  • User support

You agree to use this website responsibly and to report any problems encountered or other difficulties. Such reports may be made via our contact form or details shown on our support page.



Money-back guarantee

Chemintro will be delighted to give you your money back if the software fails to correctly categorise your chemical.

This guarantee is subject to two conditions:

  • You report the problem and agree to collaborate with Chemintro in resolving it
  • You agree to contribute the data (de-identified and covered by NDA) to the Chemintro Provable Correctness test harness to prevent any recurrence




You agree to take responsibility for security of your own data by:

  • understanding role access permissions
  • issuing logins to your employees and contractors with appropriate roles
  • disabling login credentials temporarily or permanently as necessary




Chemintro agrees that your data belongs to you and not to Chemintro.

On request from your chief Admin user, Chemintro will remove your data from the database at no charge.




Chemintro is not open source software despite being 100% built on open source foundations. Further, we are committed to avoiding closed-source, proprietary or otherwise opaque componentry or libraries. With this in mind Chemintro source is available exclusively to users at no charge and on request after execution of our non-disclosure agreement.

Our purpose in this policy is to ensure our users enjoy the same assurances of continuity and mutual support which is provided by genuine open source software.

Access to the source is via a secure online repository. This means that users may contribute improvements to the software. That process commences by raising a ticket at trac.chemintro.com for which a login with write privileges will be issued on request.




This website is not connected to the AICIS website which is where you are obliged to enter detail required by AICIS for your introductions.

Chemintro takes no responsibility for your data entry on the AICIS website.

Chemintro software uses the data you enter on this website in its categorisation calculations according to:

    Industrial Chemicals Act 2019 (C2023C00321)

    Industrial Chemicals (General) Rules 2019 (F2023C00702) and

    Industrial Chemicals Categorisation Guidelines (AICIS website latest).

To the extent that these instruments remain coherent, all calculations by Chemintro software are correct to the best of Chemintro's ability but those calculations cannot be guaranteed identical with the same calculations made by AICIS should they interpret the content of those instruments differently. Chemintro guarantees to repair its algorithms forthwith if it can be shown that AICIS has such a different interpretation. See money-back guarantee above.




Please be aware that AICIS may demand, within 40 days, evidence in study reports to prove validity of your data and possibly to prove undeclared hazards do not exist.




AICIS content is freely used - especially in help-text - in this Chemintro website and is licensed from the Commonwealth of Australia under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

The American Chemical Society holds copyright over all Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) information. This includes:

  • CAS registry numbers
  • CAS index names
  • CAS molecular formulas
  • CAS associated definitions

Other third party content is copyright of those third parties
