Chemintro manages information necessary to handle AICIS obligations when introducing chemicals of all categories.

Chemintro necessarily also manages blends and products in which introduced chemicals are ingredients.

Chemintro delivers business decision support and business risk mitigation with

  • Provable correctness for industrial chemical categorisation
  • Automatic AICIS inventory status monitoring and notification

It is a secure online information management system for AICIS introductions, assessments, reports, declarations, audits and more.

Business case

  • Manage business risk:
    • eliminate human error in complex categorisations
    • automatically monitor AICIS changes to individual Listed chemicals
  • Save time and effort with information management and bulk processing
  • Save money with automated complex categorisation - minutes versus hours or even days!
  • Complete security with role-based permissions
  • Gain competitive advantage with instant answers to complex questions
  • Complete coverage of the Act and Rules for detailed management of AICIS obligations
  • Chemintro solves the 'reasonable expectation' conundrum
  • Chemintro Provable Correctness minimises business risk in regulatory complexity

While information management and time/money saving are both important, business risk management is vital!



Simple to use

  • Chemintro requires minimal human data entry for categorisation. Other necessary information is automatically located or generated.
  • Chemintro design recognises that unnecessary data adds unnecessary costs.

Simplicity caveat

Chemistry is complex and there is sometimes scope for expert judgement.

Chemintro is designed to allow defeat of most built-in features if necessary. If in doubt, we can refer you to competent consultants for that expert assistance.
